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Viking Sword Page 3

  "With my life, Jarl."

  Kara kissed me on the cheek. "It is the threat from the north, father."

  "I know."

  We made good time to the beck. There were many places where it could be crossed but the old Roman Road from the coast came this way and I assumed that these warriors would choose the easiest route.

  "Sigtrygg, take six warriors and wait on the other side of the beck in the trees." I pointed, "There to the east. Watch for my signal."

  "Yes Jarl."

  "Bjorn the Scout, take six warriors and do the same to the west."

  After they had gone Cnut nodded with a smile upon his lips. "When they come they will see but eighteen of us here and they will outnumber us by more than two to one."

  "They will be overconfident and, if they come for war will try to attack us. Erik Dog Bite and Bjorn Carved Teeth take three men each and stay on this side of the beck. You go east, Erik and you go west. Stay behind the bushes."

  My warriors nodded and slipped away. Cnut said, "They will see them."

  "Of course they will and they will think that is my trap and not know that twelve of my best warriors are behind them."

  Haaken frowned. "And you have the six new warriors here with us. That means that half of the warriors who meet them will be without experience."

  I smiled, "Surely that is a good test of their skill, Haaken. Can you think of a better?"

  I was not even certain if this band of warriors represented any danger. If they were travelling down the road which the Romans had built then they were not hiding. The main reason I had brought armed men was because of the warning of the spirits. I strung my bow as we waited. I did not have hunting arrows I had arrows with a head like the ones on the boar spear. If they had armour it would penetrate the links. Bjorn had discovered the method when one of the warriors had loosed an arrow without a metal tip. It had managed to penetrate the links easier. Bjorn liked them as they were easier to make than barbed ones.

  I heard the whistle of a blackbird from across the beck. It was a signal from my men. "They are coming, prepare."

  I recognised the design on the shield and I relaxed a little. It was Jarl Harald Blue Eye from Hrossy in Orkneyjar. We had parted as friends when I had helped to rid him of some usurpers who fancied his land. However as they approached the bridge I noticed that, whether by accident or design, they were making a wedge formation. My hair prickled.

  "This may be a warband. Watch for treachery and keep your bows to hand."

  I heard Cnut growl, "You new warriors listen for commands and do as Haaken and I do!"

  I saw, as they approached that the front ten each had a metal byrnie but the other forty appeared to have either leather armour or none at all. Only half had a helmet. I was about to speak when the Jarl swung his shield around and shouted, "Have at them!" So much for the help I had done him. They were here to catch us unawares.

  "Loose!" All eighteen of my men loosed their arrows. The wedge formation meant that some of the arrows struck shields but at least three of the mailed warriors were felled and two of those behind. We managed a second flight before we had to discard our bows and swing our shields around. The men of Jarl Harald Blue Eye had to descend into the water and then climb out. While they had been in wedge formation it had helped to protect them from arrows. The loss of the warriors and the descent into the beck meant that they no longer had a cohesive front. They were easier to hit.

  "To the bank." My new warriors had their spears with them as did many of my other warriors. The warriors from Orkneyjar struggled to cross the water, still icy from snow melt in the hills. They were jabbed and struck with spears. I wanted them in the beck before I committed Sigtrygg and Bjorn the Scout to the attack. Bjorn Carved Teeth and Erik Dog Bite were still able to use their bows and the warriors towards the rear were being struck as they loosed arrow after arrow at men without armour. It bunched them in the middle as they tried to avoid the missiles. It was futile; my men were too good and many warriors fell. I saw two of the band turn and prepare to run back up the road. That was time enough for my reserves.

  "Sigtrygg, Bjorn! Now!" I waved my sword above my head as a signal. Perhaps it was an accident but a sudden shaft of sunlight shone and lit the blade making it seem alive and afire. The first warrior who climbed the bank came directly for me. I swung Ragnar's Spirit diagonally across his neck. He held up the shield to protect himself. As he placed one foot on the bank I punched him with my shield and he fell backwards. He made a spectacular splash as he landed in the water, knocking over two other warriors too. I saw that my men were now approaching. I heard Jarl Harald Blue Eyes yell, "Back to the ship!" His trick had failed and he saw that he was surrounded. He had always been too cautious as a jarl. Sven Knife Tongue had nearly out manoeuvred him.

  At least a handful of his warriors shook their heads and stood their ground. They had lost barely ten warriors and they still outnumbered us. The rest formed on their jarl and made a wedge which was able to negotiate the other, lower bank. Sigtrygg and Bjorn the Scout ran at them and there was a mighty clash of metal on wood as they met. My men were outnumbered and the men from Orkneyjar had the incentive of the safety of their ship to motivate them. Sigtrygg and Bjorn the Scout could not contain them without help from the rest of us.

  "After them!"

  Three warriors stood in the middle of the beck. Their jarl might have had no honour but these three would go to Valhalla when they had killed some of us. Three of my new warriors ran, bravely but recklessly at them. I jumped into the water to go to their aid. The three they fought had the death wish upon them. They were not the opponent for a novice. The first of the new warriors, Oleg, still held his spear. He jabbed it at the middle warrior who imperiously swept the head aside and then brought his sword around backhand to slice deep into Oleg's neck. The beck flowed red with his blood. I pushed through the icy water. I wanted no more of my young men to die needlessly. These three were going nowhere. We could finish them with arrows if we had to. As the second, Sven the Wild, died, I swung Ragnar's Spirit over my head. The warrior who had killed Oleg held his shield above his head. My blade made it shiver and he had to step back. I punched with my shield as he was off balance and he had to take another step west, towards the bank. I used my sword backhand and, this time, when he brought his shield up it was not quite quick enough and the tip of my sword sliced through some of the mail links. He was still going backwards and his blow with his sword was weak. I pushed it aside with my shield and, seeing a gap, plunged Ragnar's Spirit into the tear made in his byrnie. I twisted as I withdrew it. He fell into the beck and my blade was covered in his entrails. I turned and saw that Haaken and Cnut had despatched the other two.

  "Erik Dog Bite, take your men and pursue them." I looked and saw that Oleg and Sven the Wild had been joined in Valhalla by Harold Sigisson. Their deaths had been unnecessary and I felt Haaken's accusing eyes on my back. He had known they might die. Had this been the fault of my arrogance? Did I think we would always win and always survive unscathed? Perhaps so.

  On the other bank were two wounded warriors. I waded through the water to question them. I chose the one who was about to die anyway. "Why did Jarl Harald Blue Eye forget our friendship and come for war?"

  The elder of the two, a warrior with white flecks in his beard gave a wry smile. He had a stomach wound and was not long for this world. "He came not for war, Jarl Dragon Heart. He came for the sword touched by the gods. He was convinced," he winced in pain, "he was convinced that, with it, he could conquer Orkneyjar. He would become as invincible as you."

  Haaken shook his head, "Then if Dragon Heart is invincible how did he expect to take it?"

  The man shook his head, "We were oathsworn and we followed." He winced again and gripped his seax. "I am in pain. End it Jarl with Odin's sword. I will join my sons in Valhalla."

  I nodded, "You were faithful to the end. Go to the Allfather." I slid the blade across his throat and he died with a sigh.
/>   We placed our dead on cloaks which were supported by the spears and I had my warriors take the five of them home. Taking off my helmet I joined Haaken and Cnut to burn the fourteen raiders who had been slain. I wanted to wait for the return of my warriors. We watched the smoke rise from the pyre and said a prayer for the dead. I wanted no blood feuds in Valhalla. We occupied the time sorting through the items we had taken from the dead.

  Haaken shook his head as he held up a mail shirt torn by my strokes, "Dragon Heart, if you would just take their heads then Bjorn could use the armour. This is another byrnie you have ruined."

  I laughed, "I will remember that next time."

  "These were not impoverished warriors, Jarl. Look at the warrior bands and the fine amulets. Perhaps we should raid Orkneyjar."

  "No, for I would not wish Norse slaves who could try to run home or whose families could try to rescue. The people of Frankia will forget their lost ones and the slaves will forget their home."

  "But think of the treasure."

  I sat on a rock and took off my wolf cloak. "I fear that we will have treasure enough for it seems my sword draws men on. They seem to forget everything in their desire for Ragnar's Spirit."

  Cnut watched the water of the beck begin to clear as the blood was swept away to the sea. "And you think that if we go to Frankia then it will draw the sword seekers there."

  I nodded, "And if we go to Lundenwic and spend some time there it will draw them south too. By the time they have come to seek us in the south we shall have sailed for home again."

  Cnut nodded his approval but Haaken said, "I can see a flaw in the plan. It delays them, that it all. They will still come."

  "But by then it will be winter and nature herself will protect us." I held up my hand. "We are alone and I will tell you two for there are no secrets between us; I intend, next winter to travel to Jorvik and to slay Wiglaf. If we stop his tongue then we limit the threat."

  Cnut pointed to the north. "Blue Eye did not learn it from Wiglaf."

  "It will not stop all but it will limit their numbers. I am not going to give up this home as we did Mann because of threats from enemies. This is our land now and we will keep it. More men are flocking to farm here and there is plenty of land. We will only grow stronger."

  Cnut threw a stick into the beck and watched it flow downstream. "Until, Dragon Heart, you are slain and then what?"

  "By then Arturus will have learned how to be jarl."

  Haaken laughed, "And that shows that you are not Norse. Most Vikings give their son a sword when he becomes a man and then says go and make your fortune. You will hand your sword and wealth to your son; is that it?"

  Cnut smiled and lay back on the bank, enjoying the shafts of sunlight which peered through the thinning clouds. "Of course he will and that is why he is Dragon Heart and you sing songs about him."

  I smiled at their jibes, "Why else does a man choose to have a family if not to make their life better than his. I was born a slave and look at what I have achieved. My son is born the son of a jarl...."

  It was late afternoon when my warriors returned. I saw that there were two missing. I would find out who they were in due course.

  Sigtrygg bowed his head, "I have failed you, Jarl Dragon Heart. We could not capture them and we lost Erik and Siggi."

  They were both seasoned Ulfheonar and would be hard to replace.

  "Did they die well?"

  "They died well."

  "Then do not mourn them."

  "We killed four of his oathsworn and five others but they fled on their drekar."

  "Do not worry, Sigtrygg. They will not return. We questioned one of his warriors. He came for the sword to make him invincible. He will find it hard to hang on to what he has. This will be the last we hear of Harald Blue Eye. He has gambled and he has lost. We will return home and celebrate our friends who are now telling the Allfather of our deeds."

  We feasted long into the night. We had lost Ulfheonar. Some were new to us but we celebrated their lives and their glorious deaths nonetheless. I saw Cnut and Haaken with the three new Ulfheonar who had survived. I wandered over to listen. Haaken punctuated his words with his finger.

  "Ulfheonar are not reckless. We are brave and we are fierce fighters but we do not rush into combat. We have lost three young warriors who might have become great Ulfheonar and that is a tragedy."

  "Haaken is right, live for your brothers. We are the best and we have high standards. Meet them." Cnut had such a serious look on his face I thought the new warriors might recoil in fear.

  I put my arms around the shoulders of my two old friends. "They are right but remember that we do what we do for our people. That is why we need to live. For in living we keep them safe. You did well today and I am proud that you are my oathsworn. Enjoy tonight for once we sail south there will be no such nights. We feast and we drink when we are safe here in Cyninges-tūn. Everywhere else is a place of danger. You will learn as we all learned and when you have your wolf skin then you will know what it is to be Ulfheonar."

  Arturus was most disappointed to have missed the skirmish. He had done what I had asked of him. Thorkell and Windar would watch our lands whilst we were away. Both had new warriors. Every day disgruntled Vikings came from Jarls who did not offer what we did: good land and a code by which we lived. We had no kings and princes. That had appeal to those who sat beneath the yoke of tyrants. Rorik had not been the only one. We heard of the privations Wiglaf was inflicting upon his people. He was far crueller than any Viking. He surrounded himself by vicious killers who cared not for the old ways and values. They were there to extract all the gold that they could from their people. It explained the reason why he had begun to spread the legend of the sword so that all the malcontents would try to get the sword for themselves. They would leave Jorvik and his power would only increase. My decision to leave was a good one. My decision to slay him an even better one.

  It took much organisation to prepare our ships for sea whilst ensuring that our homes were safe. Our voyage would take many weeks. The three new Ulfheonar went hunting their wolves while the rest of the warriors went hunting. Our farmers and fishermen were too busy to be able to forage for wild food for us. Our smiths and miners were equally busy. I left Arturus and the Ulfheonar while I went with Aiden to my ship and to see the headman of Úlfarrston, Pasgen. Kara insisted that I take the small ship down to the end of the Water. She was mindful of the allure of the sword. As Aiden and I strode through the forest the sword felt like a heavy weight in my baldric.

  I walked in silence as I was trying to plan for the future. Haaken and Cnut were both correct; my plan would only delay the arrival of other seekers of the sword. I could not sail the seas of the world until the end of time.

  Aiden frightened me sometimes. He suddenly said, very quietly, "This will pass, Jarl Dragon Heart. There will always be those who seek the sword. There have been before. Think how many warriors have challenged you to single combat. Wiglaf is the problem for he is feeding the fire of warrior's envy and desire."

  "You have entered my mind again."

  He laughed, "Let us say that I know your moods and I have spoken with Kara. She knows your heart and your mind as well as any for she speaks with the spirits. This is good, Jarl, this is wyrd."

  Erik Short Toe had been the ship's boy on the "Heart of the Dragon." He had been trained to be captain by old Josephus, the Greek slave we had rescued. The old Byzantine had done a good job for, despite his youth, Erik was the best captain I had. He was consulting with Bolli as Bolli's men scraped away the weed from the hull of my drekar. Thanks to the concoction Aiden had made and we had smeared over the hull there was less than one might expect. When the weed had been cleared the hull would be treated again. It was what made my drekar the fastest afloat. She and her consort, "Josephus" could out sail any ship that we met.

  Erik looked eager to sail. He hated the inactivity of winter. He was born to the sea. He seemed to understand what the wind would do b
efore it changed or swirled. He rubbed his hands as he came to greet me. "Jarl Dragon Heart! We sail soon?"

  "We sail soon, Erik. Have you your ship's boys?"

  He nodded and then looked at me apprehensively. "They are not from our people, jarl. They come from Úlfarrston."

  I laughed, "Erik, you forget I am not from our people as you say. I am not Norse. Half of my blood comes from the same people as Pasgen. So long as they are good workers I care not where they come from." I pointed to Aiden. "Aiden here is from Hibernia; does that make him not of our people?"

  He smiled, "I am sorry! And Josephus was Greek! You are right. When do we sail?"

  I cocked my head on one side. "You are the captain and Bolli is the shipwright. You tell me!"

  "Then three days from now."

  "Good! The hunters will be back then and we can salt the meat. I will see Pasgen. Come Aiden."

  I told Pasgen of the attacks on our land and explained that I was raiding for slaves. "If you have ships you wish me to escort to Lundenwic then I can do so."

  He shook his head. "Trygg and Siggi went with our boats as soon as the weather became clement." He frowned, "Are we in danger when you are gone?"

  "I hope not but we have put plans in place to have Thorkell and Windar have promised to protect my land."

  We did not have three days. Had we not been preparing for war we might have been caught unawares. If we had been out hunting or working on the Water then disaster might have struck us but we were preparing for war and we had two boat crews inside our walls. The twenty raiders slew the two guards at the open gates with arrows and slipped silently into the heart of my home. I was trying on my armour. Bjorn the smith had made some improvements to make it lighter and he was in my hall with me as we adjusted it.

  Padraigh my slave rushed in clutching a bleeding arm. "Jarl, there are raiders!"

  I drew my sword and picked up my shield. Bjorn picked up the hammer he always carried. "Stay here Padraigh." We stepped into the main hall and there were six warriors there. None wore armour and all were ready to kill. They were Norse and had the tattooed bodies favoured by the men of Northumbria. All of them carried a sword, held a shield and sported a helmet.