Viking Sword Read online

Page 13

  "My warriors and Eorls, today I have won a great victory over not only my enemy Coenwulf of Mercia but also the Vikings who sought to attack us. The men of Wessex have shown all that they are the greatest warriors in the world!" He glanced down at Elfrida but she was talking quietly with Arturus. Egbert scowled. "We can now conquer the whole of this land. With warriors such as you behind me then there is nothing to stop us!"

  While his eorls began to chant and shout their agreement Egbert leaned down and said something to Elfrida. She shook her head and he slapped her. She ran from the room weeping. My hand was across Arturus before he could move. I knew my son and I knew his temper. "No, Arturus."

  "I want to kill him!"

  "There are many men that we can kill and probably will. He just isn't one of them. When the moment is right and he sits down we shall leave. I, too, have had enough of this."

  The room had quietened and Egbert stared at the two of us. He put on a false smile. "Jarl Dragon Heart. You may think I disparaged your men by not mentioning them. I did not mean to do so but we both know that they fight the way that they do because of the magic sword. You use it well but imagine what I could achieve, a king, if I owned it. Why I could challenge the Holy Roman Emperor himself! I will buy the sword from you. I will give you another chest of gold. What say you?"

  His sycophantic eorls began to bang the table and chant even louder. The king looked at me expectantly. I stood and shook my head. "You cannot expect me to give up the sword which was touched by the gods. I was meant to have it."

  "And you have done all with it that you can. I have said that I will buy it from you. Name your price! If a chest of gold is not enough then what is?"

  "It was touched by the gods. It is beyond price!"

  His face darkened, "You are a pagan! There is but one God. I could have you burned for blasphemy!"

  He was beyond reasoning and I could see that this would get worse rather than better. I turned to Eorl Edward, "You will always be my friend but we leave now before I shed blood." He nodded. "Arturus, we are leaving!"

  It took a moment or two for the king to realise what was happening. He became enraged, "Stop them! Bind them!"

  Edward stood and held his arms out. "Go quickly, jarl; I will try to reason with them."

  We had our swords out as we ran to the doors. Two warriors had heard the commotion and the king's raised voice and were standing there as we opened the doors.

  "Kill them!"

  The two warriors were not to blame and I could not draw blood. I drew my hand back and punched one with the pommel of my sword. He went down like a stunned animal. Arturus was more angry and he stabbed the other in the leg. We ran. Once we were through the next doors we turned to race across the parade ground to the river gate and the safety of our drekar.

  Suddenly I heard a voice, "Arturus, wait for me!" There was Elfrida and a woman a little older than she was. They had emerged from the hall and were running towards us.

  "I will not leave her to him father. He is an animal." I nodded, "Run Elfrida!"

  The two ran towards us.

  Four of the eorls had grabbed their weapons and were racing towards us. They were drunk and they were overweight. We stood to wait for the two women. I parried the first blade and ducked under the second. I brought my sword around and it tore into the upper arm of one of the eorls. The second tried to stab me but it was a clumsy mistimed blow and he paid for it with his life as I ran him through. Arturus had killed his two although he had a cut to his arm. The two girls were at the gate already. We joined them there and then lifted the beam holding it secure. As we opened it I yelled, "Ulfheonar!"

  Behind me the hall had emptied and King Egbert was leading his eorls towards us. They were drunk and they were getting in each other's way. We pushed the huge pair of gates open. Arturus shepherded the two women towards the waiting drekar. I swung my sword in a wide arc to keep the eorls at bay and then I turned and ran. My heart soared when I saw the Ulfheonar with shields and swords forming a protective shield by the side of my drekar.

  "Erik, get us to sea!"

  The men of Wessex were drunk but not drunk enough to risk the wrath of Vikings. The wall of shields bristled with swords and spears. They halted. As soon as I leapt aboard we cast off and the tide took us towards the sea. I glanced astern and saw Arturus with his arm around Elfrida, the Queen of Wessex, aboard the 'Josephus'. The Norns were weaving once more.


  There was no pursuit and so we did need not row. The river was taking us to safety. The king had no ships with which to pursue us. The rivers and the seas were always our allies. Haaken and Cnut came aft to join me and Aiden when the danger of attack abated. "What happened then? How did you upset the King?"

  "It was he who upset me. He wanted the sword. He was drunk and I would have ignored it but he threatened to have me burned as a pagan."

  "He seemed happy enough to have his pagans fighting and dying for him."

  "That is not how he tells it. The victory was down to the men of Wessex. It was the sword which helped him. In his mind he thinks he deserves the sword for the victory."

  "The man is insane. We are well rid of him. And where now? Raiding?"

  That, of course had been my original plan but it seemed that the Weird Sisters did not wish me to do so. I did not answer them. Aiden said, quietly, "And who is the girl whom Arturus took on board his drekar?"

  Haaken said, suddenly intrigued, "A girl?"

  "Elfrida, the Queen of Wessex."

  Haaken laughed so loudly that it must have carried all the way back to Lundenburgh. "He is your son, Dragon Heart. We all knew he would take a wife soon but to take the wife of a king! That is worthy of a mighty song! You must tell us all."

  He was correct. I owed it to my oathsworn. I knew not what effect this stone thrown in the pond would have. They were part of it and they deserved to understand how this thing had come about. Even as I was speaking to them and telling them of what I had learned I was already deciding that we would return home and forget the raids. Kara would need to speak with the spirits and I would need to warn our knarr captains that Lundenwic might not welcome us again.

  When I had finished the tale Cnut nodded, "Arturus did right. A man may hit his wife but not before others. That is a private matter."

  "And if she is young enough to be his granddaughter," Haaken shuddered, "there is something not quite right about that."

  Aiden had said nothing. The river and the tide had taken us into the estuary of the river and soon we would need to row and for me to decide our direction. "This was wyrd, Jarl Dragon Heart. I could not foresee this but it feels right. You have decided to return and seek the advice of Kara and the spirits?"

  "I have."

  Behind me I heard Erik Short Toe's voice, "Then we will be heading south soon and I will need the mighty Haaken to row while he composes his verses! The wind will not be in our favour."

  Soon the Ulfheonar were rowing. I heard them talking as they rowed. There were no secrets on the 'Heart of the Dragon'. I looked astern and saw the 'Josephus' following behind. Aiden looked astern with me.

  "Tell me Aiden, you know him better than I do. You were inseparable when you were young. How can you explain what he did; what just happened? It was so sudden. I do not understand it."

  "I am a stranger to women, Jarl but from what I have heard you were meant to be with the Lady Erika were you not? From what Haaken told me the whole settlement of Hrams-a knew that you were born to be together and so it turned out." I nodded remembering that midsummer when we had sat and talked on the beach for hours. "The Norns make plans for us and we do not know of those plans. If Jarl Erik and his family had not come to Mann then you might never have met her. The Norns made them land there so that you would meet her, marry her and sire Kara and Arturus. When that was done they took your wife from you to be a spirit to guide you."

  "But this is different. Arturus took her."

  Aiden shook his head, "Fro
m what you told me she fled with you. He did not take her, she came to you. That alone tells me that the Norns wish these two to be together."

  "I am not so certain."

  His voice became lower so that I had to lean in to hear him against the sound of the sea and the oars. "You have dreamed of your son taking a wife and giving you a grandchild." I looked up. He had been in my mind again. "I have heard your dreams. The spirits know your dreams and they have made this happen. This is naught to worry about. This is a cause for celebration. The spirits listen to you and they grant you your wishes. You do as they command and they reward you. This is wyrd!"

  I looked astern. Arturus' ship was rising and falling in the waves behind us. Perhaps Aiden was right. Erik's voice sounded, "We are going to turn west. Ran is being kind this night. The wind is rising and is now coming from Norway. He is speeding us on our way. Rowers, take in the oars but prepare for a bumpy ride. We will ride a wild stallion until after dawn." He laughed. He loved the sea and its wild side. It was a challenge to him and he would meet it. I hoped that Arturus and his new bride would be as safe. It would be just like the Norns to grant us both joy and then snatch it from me. They could be cruel.

  I sat down between the chests at the stern, Aiden joined me. He spread a cloak above us to give us some shelter from the spray and the wind. My Ulfheonar were doing the same between the benches. Haaken and Cnut joined us. No one said a word.

  Eventually I broke the silence. "It seems that in taking the sword from Cyninges-tūn to protect my people I have now drawn more enemies upon us."

  Haaken laughed again, "You, least of all, should be surprised at the Norns. They have little else to do to amuse themselves. Blame your mother and your ancestors. They were talking under Wyddfa's snowy top long before you were even a thought."

  "Are the Ulfheonar behind Arturus' actions?"

  Cnut shook his head and snorted, "You need to ask that? We have just seen this King Egbert; the man would be High King, hiding behind your wolf cloak and quaking when his enemies came. Had we not been there then there would be no King Egbert and King Coenwulf and his Danes would he High King! Of course they are behind you. We have emerged from this richer. We have made more on this one voyage than in the last five years. We are all rich beyond our wildest dreams. The men are eager to spend their treasure on armour and weapons. Bjorn will do well from this and we have time enough to return. It is not yet midsummer. This is a cause for celebration, Jarl."

  I looked at Aiden who smiled and nodded, "Aye Jarl, Midsummer, when you married Arturus' mother. Wyrd!"

  With that thought we curled into our cloaks and slept while Erik wrestled the ship and the sea.

  I had been dreaming and it was a turbulent dream. I was being hunted by men on horses and they had long boar spears. I ran into the high places around my home but still they came after me and when I ran to the waters of Cyninges-tūn and stared at my reflection, I was a wolf.

  "Jarl you must wake!" Aiden's urgent hand brought me back to the deck of the 'Heart of the Dragon'. The drekar was pitching violently. He pointed to the steering board where Erik and two of his boys were hanging on to it as they struggled in the maelstrom of water. The Ulfheonar were at their oars. Waves were breaking over the sides.

  As I stood Erik shouted, "This came from nowhere. We must find shelter." He and Aiden stared at me and I knew where Ran was sending us, Syllingar. I nodded. I was a warrior and I was a tool to be used by the gods, the Norns and the spirits. We would visit with the witch and discover what she had to tell us.

  As we sailed into the labyrinth of islands, shoals and rocks the winds suddenly abated and the motion of our ship became easier. The first time this had happened we were surprised; now we expected it. We frequently sailed through these waters and we always stared at the island where the witch had her cave. We never saw either smoke or signs of habitation. This time we saw the tendril of smoke spiralling in the wind eddies rising from her island. It seemed to be a signal.

  Erik pointed to the ropes. "I will have to replace some stays and shrouds. That was a fierce storm. It was fortunate that I bought new rope when we were in Lundenwic."

  Arturus tied up astern of us. I waded ashore with my Ulfheonar. The storm seemed to be elsewhere as though these islands were protected from nature itself. They knew, without my words, that we might be here for some time and they lit a fire with dry kindling from the boat and began to search the rocks for shellfish. We had done this before. For the crew of the 'Josephus' this was a new experience. Haaken and Cnut would tell them what to do.

  Arturus carried the young Elfrida ashore followed by a fearful looking servant. When they were on the beach I approached them. Behind me I knew that Haaken and Cnut were grinning. They had known my son since he had been a baby and were as close as uncles to him. I said nothing. I could tell that Arturus was struggling to find the words and to explain his action. He was now a man and responsible for what he had done. I would wait.

  "I could not leave Elfrida with that man! It was not right."

  "So shall we return her to her family?"

  The two of them looked at each other. I knew that they had not considered that nor would they. "No, father, for they agreed to the marriage." He paused as I waited for his words, "We would be wed."

  I looked at Elfrida. "And you would agree to this even though you have been wed already? Are you a Christian?"

  She looked at the ground, "My parents told me to say that I was Christian so that King Egbert would marry me but I follow the old ways." She took out a token from around her neck and showed it to me. It had a bronze hart with a blue stone for its eye. Wyrd.

  "And would you marry my son?"

  Her face lit up. "I would! The moment we spoke I knew that I was meant to be with him. The voices in my head told me so."

  I shivered and it was not the cold. "How old are you child?"

  "I have seen fourteen summers."

  There were just three years between them. I saw that the servant was still shivering. "And who is your servant?"

  "She is a slave from Flanders, her name is Judith."

  "She looks terrified."

  "Her village was raided by Danes and she was the only survivor. She hid in the woods. Other slavers from Frisia captured her and sold her to King Egbert."

  "Perhaps we should free her and release her from this torment. If you come with us then she will see Vikings every day. It is not fair that she pays the price for your happiness."

  Aiden said, "Let me speak with her."

  My Galdramenn led her away and spoke quietly to her. He had a way with people the way some have with horses. They talk to them in a unique language and speak to their hearts. I held the hands of Arturus and Elfrida. "Then when we return you shall be married. There will be weddings on Midsummer's Day and if the winds are with us we can return in time."

  They hugged each other.

  "Thank you, Jarl Dragon Heart. I had heard that you were a fair man and a just ruler. They were right."

  "Perhaps but, Arturus, you have sown the breeze, let us hope you do not reap the whirlwind."

  "Why?" He looked puzzled. His heart had blinded his head.

  "King Egbert will not take kindly to having his bride taken from him. There will be retribution."

  I could see he had not thought of that. "I am sorry father I did not think."

  Haaken burst out laughing. "When did a warrior in love ever think? They are contradictory. Do not worry, Arturus. If Egbert comes with that rag tag army of his then we shall send him packing."

  My son looked relieved, "We are here to see the witch?"

  Elfrida clutched Arturus' arm, "Witch?"

  "Fear not. You need not come. My men will watch over you. Come son, Aiden."

  Aiden brought back a now smiling Judith. "She is resolved and she is happier. I explained that I too was once a slave and that the Danes and the Norse are as different as foxes and wolves."

  "Good let us enter the cave then. Haaken and Cnu
t watch over the women. Perhaps teach them more of our words." We had spoken only Saxon until then but once we were in Cyninges-tūn the two of them would need our words or they would be isolated. It would be like being in a cell if they did not.

  We made our way up the path towards the entrance of the cave. We had been there before and knew its path. The glow from within told us that the cave was occupied. We heard singing as we descended into the bowls of the earth. Each time we visited I wondered why the cave did not flood in high seas. The floor was always dry as were the walls. The cave itself was around a bend and, as usual, I hesitated before turning to enter. I could face any number of warriors in combat but this was the spirit world. One day I would come and be devoured by a dragon.

  "Come Jarl Dragon Heart, surely you who have defeated Magnus Skull Splitter does not fear an old woman who sings alone."

  I entered and saw the same woman we had seen before. She looked to be the same age as the last time I had seen her but how could that be?

  "Come, sit. Drink some of this broth. You must be cold."

  We sat down and took the handmade pots with the oyster shell spoons. We ate the soup which was delicious. While we ate she spoke. "You are here because you need the advice of the spirits. They will come in the fullness of time." She smiled at us and took Arturus' hand in her own bony one. "Elfrida was meant for you, Arturus but there will be danger."

  He nodded, unable to speak.

  She began to sing. I did not understand the words but it was a pleasant sound. The exertions of the past days began to take their toll and I felt my eyelids drooping.

  I was on the top of Mann. I stood on the high place I had used when I first became a jarl. I could see all the way to my new home across the sea. I saw a fleet of ships and they were heading towards Úlfarrston. I tried to run but I could not move and then the fog swirled in. It was a sea fret and it stopped me from seeing anything. I dared not move for fear of falling down the mountainside. I could not even see my feet. Then I felt a hand take my right hand. I looked up and saw my mother. Before I could speak a hand took my left hand and it was Erika. They said nothing but I felt myself lifted from the ground and I was flying between them.


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